
A place to learn and share with developers what makes web work accessible.

Learn How To Create Accessible Code

Whether you are new to accessibility or are a seasoned veteran, Enable's aim is to teach developers how to make something accessible and to show why it is. Developers can walk through the code step by step to understand what HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are needed to ensure their work "just works" for all users, no matter how they navigate the web.

Add Accessible Code Quickly To Existing Projects

The Enable Accessibility Project follows the First Rule of ARIA when recommending code and encourages the use of native HTML5 functionality whenever possible (as long as browser accessibility support is there). However, since we know there are a lot of developers looking to make their existing custom widgets accessible quickly due to time constraints, we also show custom code examples and what code features make them work with assistive technology.

Use Pre-built Accessible Components

Enable also includes components that can be included in your own projects via NPM, with instructions on how to integrate them as Webpack modules, native ES6 Modules, or as old school ES4 JavaScript libraries. Accessible hamburger menus, carousels, and mobile-friendly skip links, are only a few examples of prebuilt code you can use in your projects today. We also encourage developers to consider contributing their own code for the benefit of the developer community at large.

What Makes Enable Different?

Want to donate code to Enable?

We would love to know about any code you would like to donate to enable!

Found a bug?

Feel free to log a bug on our Github project page! If are a developer and know how to fix it, please create a PR (if you have never done this before, read the the Github article about creating a pull request from a fork).