Accessible Sliders

This page shows two examples of a slider: an HTML5 one implemented with <input type="range"> and an ARIA one using the slider role and a fair amount of JavaScript. While the latter solution is accessible on both desktop and mobile, it works so differently than the native one in mobile devices due to JavaScript limitations, and is a great example of "just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you should".

A Dead-Simple HTML5 Slider

This is the best solution to use, especially when building from scratch.

This is the preferred method of implementing a slider. It "just works". Note that the UI for mobile screen reader users is very different between the two major operating systems:


Code Walkthrough of the Above Example

Below is the HTML of the above example. Use the dropdown to highlight each of the individual steps that make the example accessible.

Although we give basic information covering how to style HTML5 Sliders, we do gloss over some minor cross-browser styling issues. More information on making them look super pretty can be found here:

  • Style Input Range online generator tool can get you up and running quickly.
  • A Sliding Nightmare: Understanding the Range Input by Ana Tudor is probably the most complete deep-dive I have seen on how to style HTML5 sliders (the old Microsoft Edge code is something we didn't implement here, since Microsoft Edge now relies on the same rendering engine Google Chrome uses). Recommended if you are trying to work out the cross-browser quirks between the two implementations.
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An HTML5 Slider With Min and Max Values

This is the best solution to use, especially when building from scratch.

Sometimes, the need comes up to have a slider with minimum and maximum values. Even though one single HTML5 range element can't do this, it is possible to combine two of them, with a little bit of CSS and a surprisingly tiny amount of JavaScript, to achieve this effect.

I cannot claim credit for this solution -- it's the work of the hugely talented Ana Tudor. Anyone interested in bleeding-edge CSS and animation work should definitely check out Ana's Codepen and/or donate to help fund her research and mad scientist inclinations.

Amount you are willing to bid on an Atari 2600
$200 $800

Code Walkthrough of the Above Example

Below is the HTML of the above example. Use the dropdown to highlight each of the individual steps that make the example accessible.

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ARIA Sliders

I wouldn't use this solution in production. The HTML5 range input is a much better solution.
Despite this, I have implemented it as an NPM module in case it is useful for anyone. (Module installation instructions)

This NPM module is easily the one that took the longest to do. It is also the one that I would highly recommend to not use:

I honestly struggled as to whether it was a Good Idea to share this component with the outside world. In the end, I am posting this here as a great example of The First Rule of ARIA. I do think, however, that it shows an interesting use case for the mobile skip links as mobile-only buttons, which could be used in something else in the future.

A note on all ARIA sliders on this page:

Note that all the ARIA sliders use the <template> tag that the JavaScript library will use to create the DOM elements:

Code Walkthrough of the Above Example

Below is the HTML of the above example. Use the dropdown to highlight each of the individual steps that make the example accessible.

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A Simple ARIA Slider

JPEG compression factor:

Code Walkthrough of the Above Example

Below is the HTML of the above example. Use the dropdown to highlight each of the individual steps that make the example accessible.

☜ Scroll to read full source ☞


An ARIA Slider With Min and Max Values

Approximately how much money would you be willing to invest in your RRSPs in the next years
Minimum investment amount
Maximum investment amount

Code Walkthrough of the Above Example

Below is the HTML of the above example. Use the dropdown to highlight each of the individual steps that make the example accessible.

☜ Scroll to read full source ☞


Installation Instructions

You can load this JavaScript library into your application in several ways:

If you haven't done so already, choosing which you should use is a major architectural decision. Here are a few articles that will help you decide:

Important Note on the CSS Classes Used in This Module:

This module requires specific CSS class names to be used in order for it to work correctly. These CSS classes begin with enable-slider__. Please see the documentation above to see where these CSS classes are inserted.

Using NPM/Webpack to load ES6 Modules:

  1. Install the enable-a11y NPM project.
  2. Edit your webpack.config.json file to resolve the ~ modifier by adding the following:
    ☜ Scroll to read full source ☞
    module.exports = { ... resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.scss', '.css', '*.html'], modules: [ path.resolve('./src/js'), path.resolve('./node_modules') ], alias: { '~enable-a11y': path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/enable-a11y') }, ... }, ... }
  3. You can use the module like this:
    ☜ Scroll to read full source ☞
    // import the JS module import enableSlider from '~enable-a11y/js/modules/enable-slider'; // import the CSS for the module import '~enable-a11y/css/enable-slider'; // How to initialize the enableSlider library enableSlider.init();
  4. Alternatively, if you are using LESS you can include the styles in your project's CSS using:
    ☜ Scroll to read full source ☞
    @import '~enable-a11y/css/enable-slider';
    (If you are using it in your CSS, you will have to add the .css suffix)

Using NPM/Webpack to Load Modules Using CommonJS Syntax

  1. Install the enable-a11y NPM project.
  2. You can import the module using require like this:
    ☜ Scroll to read full source ☞
    var enableSlider = require('enable-a11y/enable-slider').default; ... enableSlider.init();
  3. You will have to include the CSS as well in your project's CSS using:
    ☜ Scroll to read full source ☞
    @import '~enable-a11y/css/enable-slider';

Using ES6 modules natively.

This is the method by which the page you are reading now loads the scripts.

  1. Grab the source by either using NPM, grabbing a ZIP file, or cloning the enable source code from GitHub.
  2. If you want to load the module as a native ES6 module, copy js/modules/enable-slider.js ,js/modules/interpolate.js and css/enable-slider.css from the repo and put them in the appropriate directories in your project (all JS files must be in the same directory).
  3. Load the CSS in the head of your document:
    ☜ Scroll to read full source ☞
    <html> <head> ... <link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to/css/enable-slider.css" > ... </head> <body> ... </body> </html>
  4. Load your scripts using the following code (NOTE: you must use <script type="module">):
    ☜ Scroll to read full source ☞
    <script type="module"> import enableSlider from "path-to/enable-slider.js" enableSlider.init(); </script>

Using ES4

Just do the same as the ES6 method, except you should get the JavaScript files from the js/modules/es4 directory instead of the js/modules/:
☜ Scroll to read full source ☞
<script src="path-to/es4/enable-slider.js"></script>