With viewport units, you can describe width, height, font-size and other CSS styles as percentages of the viewport width and height. There are, however, a few nasty gotchas when it comes to using them in iOS Safari and IE9 and 10. They also don’t always play nice in CSS3
statements and don’t work at all in IE Visual Filters. Using them in iframes
can also be problematic. This post talks about how to work around these issues easily using a JavaScript buggyfill (not polyfill). I have used viewport units in production sites today, and now you can too, on any phone or device used in the wild today.
Entries Tagged as 'math'
Fixing Cross-Browser Issues With CSS3 Viewport Units in IE9+ and Safari for iOS
Tags: CSS · CSS3 · IE Visual Filters · math · viewport units
Animating Circular Paths Using CSS3 Animations.
For the longest time I assumed that one couldn’t use CSS Transitions or animations to move DOM objects in anything but a straight path. Sure, a developer could use multiple keyframes to create a list of straight paths to simulate a curve, but I didn’t think one could just define a curve with just two keyframes. I was wrong. If you are coding for a modern web browser, then this is very doable!. This article will show you how it’s done in modern browsers, the math involved, and what to do with older versions of IE that don’t support CSS3 Animations.
Tags: animation · animation · CSS · CSS3 · JavaScript · math · transform · transition
The CSS3 matrix()
Transform for the Mathematically Challenged
The CSS3
property can do some really cool things – with it, web designers can rotate, scale, skew and flip objects quite easily. However, in order for designers to have fine-grained, pixel level control over their transforms, the matrix()
function is hard to beat. This post explains what it does and the math behind the code. It also includes a tool to help you create matrix()
transforms easily using HTML5 Drag and Drop for the user interface and the Sylvester JavaScript library to do the mathematics needed to calculate the matrix values so you don’t have to (in case you have difficulties with math, or if you just are lazy and don’t want to be bothered).
Tags: CSS · CSS3 · Drag and Drop · math · transform