In the past, I have been an accessibility lead on a project that had videos with scenes that could potentially cause seizures. When I approached the video creators about these issues, they said they didn’t know how to fix these issues. When I created my own music video that had problematic sequences in them, however, I found that these issues are not really that hard to fix. This article shows that it’s not too hard and you can fix these problems in no time.
Entries Tagged as 'Color'
How to Fix Seizure Inducing Sequences In Videos.
Tags: accessibility · animation · Color · Uncategorized · video
Using PEAT To Create Seizureless Web Animations
Photosensitive Epilepsy should be a concern to anyone creating any type of animated media. As a matter of fact, in order to pass WCAG Level A, a web page cannot “contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one second period, or the flash is below the general flash and red flash thresholds”. Testing this requirement may seem a little daunting at first, but luckily there is a free tool called PEAT that web developers can use to test if their animations and videos can cause an epileptic attack. This blog post talks about how to use PEAT, what it’s limitations are, and how to work around them.
Tags: accessibility · animation · Color · Cygwin · Uncategorized
Coding Colors Easily Using CSS3 hsl()
The seemingly impossible task of coming up with color codes off the top of your head can be done easily using CSS3’s
color notation. Read how you can use this “human-friendly” and how it can work in the few browsers that don’t support it natively.
Tags: Color · CSS · CSS3 · hsl/hsla · Polyfills
cssSandpaper Now Supports transform: translate()
and rgba()
In the first in a planned series of posts, I update cssSandpaper with new features. This week I add IE support for translate()
support to CSS transforms and alpha channel support to linear gradients.
Tags: Color · CSS · CSS3 · IE Visual Filters · JavaScript · Polyfills · rgb/rgba · transform