Entries Tagged as 'standard proposal'

CSS3 Pseudo-Classes and HTML5 Forms: Their Limitations and a Possible Solution

November 5th, 2012 by zoltan · 2 Comments

I have been playing around with HTML5 Forms for a while now, and one of my favorite parts of the HTML5 Forms spec is the use of CSS3 pseudo-classes to show the validation state of the form fields to the user. I believe these validation hints make a better user experience and makes the process of filling out the form less frustrating. However, I think there are some shortcomings in the existing psuedo-classes that produce these validation hints. I hope that this article will start a discussion for a possible solution that could be easily added to the CSS3 UI specification.


Tags: CSS3 · forms · HTML5 · psuedo-classes · standard proposal · Uncategorized