More details on this script can be seen on these posts:
- Converting @font-face Fonts Quickly In Any OS
- Better Web Typography With font-weight, Autohinting and font-feature-settings
Also note that Michael of CFX Design has been kind enough to publish a gist that will help people get this up and running quickly.
The CSS3 Font Converter is a command line script that converts TrueType and OpenType fonts to all the other @font-face formats (i.e. EOT, SVG and WOFF). It also can implement auto-hinting, report on if a font supports and font-feature-setting
tags (e.g. ligatures, true small-caps, old-style numerals, etc). It can run on any operating system that can run Bash scripts, including Mac OS X, Linux and Windows (using Cygwin).
If you are not familiar or comfortable with using the UNIX command line, this script may not be for you. If you are willing to learn, I highly encourage it, since there have been many times in my web development career that it has proved useful and a huge time-saver. A good place to start is Learn UNIX in 10 minutes by Cliff Johnson.
I have tried to make this tool as easy to use as possible. If you follow these easy steps, it should work. If you have trouble installing the tool after you have followed all these steps, please leave a comment at the end of this post — I really want to make this as bulletproof as possible.
- If you are using Windows XP/Vista/7, install Cygwin with the FontForge package. If you have never done this before, I have created a supplementary blog post to walk you through the installation process. If you have installed Cygwin before, you still may want to read the last half of the article, since installing FontForge can be difficult under Cygwin (at least it was for me until I did some digging).
- Download and Install FontForge (if you are a Windows user, this is covered in step one). There are complete instructions on how to do this under OS X, and Linux as well. Update (May 14, 2011): The Linux page doesn’t mention this, but if you are an Ubuntu user, you can use
to do the installation for you easily:
sudo apt-get install fontforge
Thanks to Richard Curran for pointing this out.
- Download EOTFast (if you develop using Windows) or ttf2eot (for OS X and Linux, installation instructions are here).
- Download the sfnt2woff package (this page has packages for Windows and OS X, as well as the source that one can compile for Linux).
- Download ttfautohint (this page has packages for Windows and OS X, as well as the source that one can compile for Linux).
- Download the CSS3 Font Converter from GitHub and unpack the contents in your path someplace.
- Open up a terminal window (under Cygwin, that would be the either the “Cygwin Bash Shell”, or, better yet, “rxvt native” if you have that installed). Then,
into the directory that you unpacked the CSS3 Font Converter, and
(if you are using Windows, don’t use notepad to edit this file, since shell scripts don’t like to be saved as Windows text. If you are familar with it, usevim
instead). You will need to edit the first few lines:
#!/bin/bash ######################################################################### ## CONFIGURATION AREA: This stuff is the only stuff you may need to # ## change. # ######################################################################### # The path should contain the directories where EOTFAST-1.EXE, ttf2eot, # fontforge, and all the scripts in the @Font-Face Contruction Set reside. # Uncomment the line below with the right directories. Remember the # $PATH at the beginning of the string, or the script will forget what # was originally in the PATH. # PATH="$PATH:/some/directory:/some/other/directory/" ....
If you haven’t installed the other packages in directories in your PATH, you must uncomment the
line and edit it so that it contains them. - If all is well, you should now be ready to convert fonts. To test, create a new directory, download and unpack the Old London Font from into it, and execute the following command:
$ *.ttf
If all is successful, you should see output similar to this:
Converting OldLondon to eot (Using EOTFAST) Converting font "Old London" Successfully written "OldLondon.eot" Converting OldLondon to svg Converting OldLondon to woff Converting OldLondonAlternate to eot (Using EOTFAST) Converting font "Old London Alternate" Successfully written "OldLondonAlternate.eot" Converting OldLondonAlternate to svg Converting OldLondonAlternate to woff Writing Stylesheet ... Extracting SVG ID Getting Font Name Extracting SVG ID Getting Font Name DONE!
Not only does it convert the TrueType font in all the web formats, it produces a nice style sheet you can
link to:@font-face { font-family: 'OldLondon'; src: url('OldLondon.eot?') format('eot'), url('OldLondon.woff') format('woff'), url('OldLondon.ttf') format('truetype'), url('OldLondon.svg#OldLondon') format('svg'); } @font-face { font-family: 'OldLondonAlternate'; src: url('OldLondonAlternate.eot?') format('eot'), url('OldLondonAlternate.woff') format('woff'), url('OldLondonAlternate.ttf') format('truetype'), url('OldLondonAlternate.svg#OldLondonAlternate') format('svg'); }
The CSS3 Font Converter can not only convert Fonts in several different ways, but it can also give information about the fonts it generates
This option will merge all font-weights and styles under the same font name. This option will likely crash Apple Mobile Safari running under iOS versions less than 4.0 — to avoid this, the converter will not convert fonts to SVG when this option is used. Also note that only the first four weights and styles will be recognized under IE7 and 8.
This option will merge all condensed and expanded fonts under the same font name as the normal font. It is recommended *not* to use this method currently, since at the time of this writing, font-stretch is only supported by Firefox => 9 and IE => 9.
This option will hint/re-hint fonts (using ttfautohint by default, or Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType if using –autohint=adobe). Note that this option will create a bunch of files prefixed with ‘hinted-‘. Attempting to use this option on files already prefixed with ‘hinted-‘ will result in an error.
This option will put a prefix in front of a font name. For example --use-font-prefix --autohint --use-font-prefix=new- peanuts.ttf
will convert all the OTF fonts in the current working directory and produce a stylesheet that with the following font names:
@font-face { font-family: 'new-Peanuts'; src: url('new-peanuts.eot?') format('eot'), url('new-peanuts.woff') format('woff'), url('new-peanuts.ttf') format('truetype'), url('new-peanuts.svg#Peanuts') format('svg'); }
Note it also changes the names of the converted font files as well.
This option allows the user to change the file name of the font stylesheet the converter produces from stylesheet.css
. For example: --output=peanuts.css peanuts.ttf
names the font’s stylesheet peanuts.css
Presents the user with a list of OpenType feature tags a font supports which can be used inside a style sheet using the CSS3 font-feature-settings
property (more information about OpenType feature tags can be found in the article Better Web Typography With font-weight
, Autohinting and font-feature-settings
. The font can be in either be OpenType or TrueType. For example: --show-features peanuts.ttf
will show the OpenType tag features in the following format:
Font: Calendas-Plus.otf 'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin lookup 0 'aalt' Access All Alternates in Latin lookup 0 'aalt' Access All Alternates in Latin lookup 1 'smcp' Lowercase to Small Capitals in Latin lookup 2 'onum' Oldstyle Figures in Latin lookup 3 'lnum' Lining Figures in Latin lookup 4 'case' Case-Sensitive Forms in Latin lookup 5 'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Latin lookup 6 'sups' Superscript in Latin lookup 7 'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin lookup 8 'ornm' Ornaments in Latin lookup 9 'swsh' Swash in Latin lookup 10 'sinf' Scientific Inferiors in Latin lookup 11 'numr' Numerators in Latin lookup 12 'ordn' Ordinals in Latin lookup 13 'frac' Diagonal Fractions in Latin lookup 14 'dnom' Denominators in Latin lookup 15 'salt' Stylistic Alternatives in Latin lookup 16 Information on these features can be found at these URLS: - -
Note that this option does not convert the font(s) given.
3 responses so far
// Jun 26, 2015 at 2:13 pm
Zoltan, I really love this tool and I’ve been using it for ages. I somehow managed to get it setup on my previous machine which was very tedious. However I just completed a major machine upgrade which included an upgrade to OS X Yosemite and I had to reinstall my favorite tools. This was very high on the list and I was determined to find the quickest way to get up and running with css3FontConverter. I figured out the best way for Yosemite users and took a moment to document the steps which should have people up and running in a few short minutes. I put it on Gist to share and everyone can take advantage of it right here:
Please enjoy!
// Jun 27, 2015 at 12:50 pm
@Michael: Thanks so much for this! I’m going to post this inside the article as well, since I’m sure a lot of people can benefit from this. Cheers.
Cay Horstmann
// Jan 24, 2017 at 12:11 am
On Ubuntu Linux 16.04, you can install ttfautohint with sudo apt install ttfautohint.
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Please Note: If you are asking for help using the information on this page or if you are reporting a bug with the code featured here, please include a URL that shows the problem you are experiencing along with the browser/version number/operating system combination where the issue manifests itself. Without this information, I may not be able to respond.