Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'

Cross Browser Styling of HTML5 Forms — Even In Older Browsers.

May 17th, 2012 by zoltan · 11 Comments

I have updated my html5Widgets package (now called html5Forms.js) so developers can create great looking, easy-to-use forms that can validate each field as a user types. It also has updated validation widgets so older browsers can display error messages like native HTML5 Form implementations do, and even allows developers to style error message bubbles in all browsers even in browsers like Firefox that don’t allow it natively.


Tags: CSS3 · Forms · HTML5 · Uncategorized

Help Free Saeed Malekpour: Sentenced To Death For Writing Code.

January 23rd, 2012 by zoltan · 2 Comments

Imagine you create software for a client. You do a good job, you are proud of your work, and you put your name and contact info in the heading of the code’s comments. I’ve done it many times with both code that I have been paid for as well as stuff I open-source and share with the community. If you are a web developer (or any type of developer for that matter) you probably have done the same thing. Who would have thought you could be sentenced to death for it? Please read this article and find out how you can help a web developer who is in this unfortunate situation.


Tags: Uncategorized

Caching Images With JavaScript and HTML5 progress Bars

January 16th, 2012 by zoltan · 5 Comments

HTML5 Progress Bars are cool, but where would you use one? If you are have a page with a lot of images that are being animated, you may not want to the content to be visible until is all loaded into memory, so why not use a progress bar to show the load progression? This article will show how to make a simple slideshow with a progress bar that updates as images are loaded. Proof that HTML5 progress bars are useful and not just a bunch of eye-candy with a fancy name.


Tags: Uncategorized

Clipping JPEG Images Into Non-Rectangular Polygons Using polyClip.js

October 29th, 2011 by zoltan · 24 Comments

Up until now, if a developer needed to clip an image in a non-rectangular shape, it was necessary to save the image as a PNG with an alpha channel. If the image is a photograph, the file-size balloons up to unacceptable levels. My new library, polyClip.js, allows developers to clip these images using photograph friendly JPEGs instead. This article guides you step by step on how to use it yourself.


Tags: canvas · HTML5 · Images · JavaScript · jQuery · Uncategorized · VML

Fixing oninput in IE Using html5Widgets

May 12th, 2011 by zoltan · 2 Comments

Even though onforminput is deprecated, oninput will allow developers to do dynamic calculations on forms with little JavaScript knowledge. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work in IE8 and lower, and there are some small bugs in IE9’s implementation when trying to delete characters inside a form field. So I implemented a fix for these issues with an update to my cross-browser HTML5 Forms polyfill, html5Widgets.


Tags: Events · Events · Forms · HTML · HTML5 · JavaScript · Polyfills · Uncategorized

CSS Blurred Text-Shadow in IE — Part I

April 23rd, 2011 by zoltan · 16 Comments

Last week, I discussed several strategies web developers can use to simulate CSS text-shadow in IE. In that article, I mentioned that there was no way that I knew of to simulate text-shadow with a blur-radius in IE without JavaScript. Since then, I have discovered a way to simulate the CSS text-shadow effect in IE9 that does not use JavaScript and does not add extra elements to the DOM.


Tags: CSS3 · IE Visual Filters · text-shadow · Uncategorized

CSS3 Text-Shadow – Can It Be Done in IE Without JavaScript?

April 14th, 2011 by zoltan · 15 Comments

CSS3 text-shadow rocks, but it doesn’t work in any version of Internet Explorer, including IE9. While it is impossible to replicate all text-shadow effects in The Browser That Likes To Be Difficult, there are some ways to emulate this effect without JavaScript using Visual Filters, even when ClearType is enabled. This article can show you how and contains lots of examples.


Tags: ClearType · CSS3 · IE Visual Filters · text-shadow · Uncategorized

Pixel Perfect CSS3 border-image In Depth.

March 29th, 2011 by zoltan · 15 Comments

Using the CSS3 border-image property, you can make coo graphical borders without cutting up images to bits. There are a few gotchas that developers should be aware of before implementing it and this article will cover these caveats, a tool that you can use to help generate border-images effectively, and a few strategies to ensure it gracefully degrades in older browsers


Tags: border-image · CSS3 · Uncategorized